Super Cherry Stats:
Born: July 4, 2012
Birthplace: Frankfort, Michigan
Height: 5’
Weight: Are you kidding?
Suit Size: Extra large
Super Cherry’s Favorites:
Food: Fresh cherries, dried cherries and anything with cherries in it (that’s a lot!)
Colors: Red, white and green
Month: February – National Cherry Month
People: Children of all ages
Insect: Bees
Books: Hidden Cherries, Life is a Bowl of Cherry Pits
Hobbies: Cherry picking, hanging out with kids
Games: Hi-Ho Cherry-O
Quote: “Eat cherries, live well and prosper.”
here to download the Super Cherry coloring page!
If your organization or event is interested in a Super Cherry appearance, please contact
Graceland Fruit, or call 1-800-352-7181.