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Super Cherry

The Story of Super Cherry

Born of the earth, and burnished by the sun, Super Cherry was grown on a magnificent cherry tree planted on a towering bluff overlooking Lake Michigan. As the biggest, ripest, sweetest red cherry in the orchard, Super Cherry soon realized he had a duty to represent all of his shiny red friends.
His mission as Mother Nature’s Super Fruit is to help bring the remarkable story of healthy, delicious cherries to people everywhere. The nice people at Graceland Fruit adopted Super Cherry, and they help connect him to events and appearances throughout Michigan. Super Cherry is proud to be the official mascot of the National Cherry Festival. Look for him at the Open Space and at events throughout the National Cherry Festival.

Follow the adventures of Super Cherry on his Twitter page.

Super Cherry Eats all of His Fruits and Vegetables graphic

Super Cherry Stats:

Born: July 4, 2012
Birthplace: Frankfort, Michigan
Height: 5’
Weight: Are you kidding?
Suit Size: Extra large

Super Cherry’s Favorites:

Food: Fresh cherries, dried cherries and anything with cherries in it (that’s a lot!)
Colors: Red, white and green
Month: February – National Cherry Month
People: Children of all ages
Insect: Bees
Books: Hidden Cherries, Life is a Bowl of Cherry Pits
Hobbies: Cherry picking, hanging out with kids
Games: Hi-Ho Cherry-O
Quote: “Eat cherries, live well and prosper.”

Click here to download the Super Cherry coloring page!
If your organization or event is interested in a Super Cherry appearance, please contact Graceland Fruit, info@gracelandfruit.com or call 1-800-352-7181.
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