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National Cherry Queen Application

A Crown, a Legacy, and an Unforgettable Experience – Will You Be the Next National Cherry Queen?

Selection Weekend is May 16-17, 2025
Thank you for your interest in the National Cherry Queen Program. Young women between the ages of 19-25 are welcome to participate in this competition to become the spokesperson for the National Cherry Festival and the Cherry Industry. This scholarship program is one of the most celebrated traditions of the National Cherry Festival. The 2025/26 National Cherry Queen will receive a generous $10,000 scholarship to support her educational endeavors, and the runner-up will receive $2,000.

The application may be completed online. Candidates must apply from a personal computer or laptop, as not all fields will appear on a mobile device. Before beginning the application, please gather the following information. Once the application is started, it cannot be saved and returned to at a later date.
  • General information including your name, contact information, emergency contact, education information
  • A one-page bio sheet (please see an example here) - ready to upload
  • A digital high-resolution headshot (300 dpi) - ready to upload
  • A one-page resume - ready to upload
  • Sponsors - Name, contact information, and dollar amount for each sponsor. Sponsorship fee is $500 (postmarked on or before April 14, 2025) or $600 from April 15, 2025 through May 5, 2025. PLUS, each sponsor will need to complete the Sponsoring Organization Information and Authorization Form. This form, along with payment, can be completed online. To mail a check, the sponsor may complete this form and follow the payment instructions included.
  • Please submit an unedited, non-professionally made video (1 minute or less in length) of you telling the judges about yourself. Think about what you’d like them to know about you and show your personality! Make sure to include your name and where you are from in the introduction . The deadline for this submission is Monday, May 5, 2025 at 5:00pm.
  • All digital items uploaded
  • Once the application has been received and processed, there will be no refunds
Please do not send in or complete your application online without the items listed above. Should you have any questions, please contact Angela Sayler, Director of Queen's Activities at (231) 649-1617 or queenscommittee@cherryfestival.org for more information.

A PDF of the application may also be downloaded below.

Ready to be the 2025/2026 National Cherry Queen?

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